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kObjects is a collection of small ("kilobyte") projects. Most of the projects are suitable or designed for the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME/MIDP).


Utils A set of small utility classes (hence the name "kilobyte objects"). Most of the utilities are also suitable for J2ME.
ME4SE A MIDP emulation based on J2SE. Designed to run in web browsers (as Java Applet) or personal Java environments (PDAs)
kSOAP A SOAP implementation for J2ME. Uses some of the utitlity classes (base64, isoDate). Requires kXML 2.
MIDP DeviceDB MIDP Device Database, based on the Infolayer system and filled with Data gatehered by Jörg Pleumann's SysInfo MIDlet.

Related Projects

kXML A small XML pull parser
Mail4ME A small mail client library suitable for MIDP devices.
JDBCwrapper Provides JDBC access to various text file formats such as ARFF, XBase, CSV, and BibTex. Uses several kObjects classes, kXML, and Mail4ME.
Infolayer UML runtime environment, uses several kObjects classes, JdbcWrapper, kXML, and Mail4ME.

(C) 2005 Stefan Haustein